Mission statement

Dedicated to sparking curiosity and independence in every child,

we create an academically and socially enriching environment that instills a love for learning, leaving a positive impact on all.

our Core Values

Foster Happiness 

Create an environment that fosters joy, kindness, and well-being to establish positive relationships with our team members, the children and families we serve, and the community as a whole

Champion Health

Prioritize the physical and mental health of our students and staff, upholding an environment that feels safe and secure

Embrace Learning

Develop a culture of continuous learning, encouraging a love for acquiring new knowledge and skills

Actively Engage

Encourage active involvement from families and staff to create the best possible experience 

Promote Preparedness

Emphasize the importance of being well-prepared, both academically and socially, for current and future challenges

Establish Trust

Practice honesty and reliability both within our team and with the families we serve

Our school


What parents say:

great preschool review by parents

"Kylee and her staff did an amazing job helping our two girls thrive in their first school environment. Love to Learn prepared them perfectly for kindergarten."